The River Between Us Gender Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"A soldier must leave someone behind," she said. "What men do best is walk away from women. Wars are handy for that." (6.35)

Delphine is 15, right? So, how many men has she seen walk away from women in her short life? Because she talks like someone who knows what she's talking about.

Quote #5

The wonder is that Noah didn't flee this house of women sooner than he did. (7.70)

Why does Tilly say this? What would make Noah want to leave, other than the war?

Quote #6

"If you go among men," Calinda said, "she come in handy. She is meant for men." (9.45)

While Delphine seems to embrace her training in the arts of attraction, this still seems sad. Can't Delphine be meant for herself? Why should she be meant for others?