The River Between Us Gender Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Delphine and me both knew he had a good heart, and he was stretched thin. But he was a man, and men can't look after themselves, let alone one another. (10.63)

Well, that sounds rather sexist. There's no question, though, that somebody at Camp Defiance has dropped the ball.

Quote #8

I marveled at the way men's minds are made and how they think, if you can call it thought at all. I saw plain that we'd get him on his feet only so he could go off and try his level best to get himself killed. (10.69)

Tilly clearly does not have a high view of men's motivations. To be fair, however, she's right about Noah—he does plan on heading into battle the second he can stand.

Quote #9

As in many a battle before it and since, both sides claimed a victory. But no woman would have called it a victory. (13.16)

Likely, neither would any of the people waiting in Cairo for their loved ones to return. We can't imagine that the fathers, grandfathers, uncles, and sons of those fighting were all that thrilled about it, either.