Meet the Cast
Paul is introduced as a small boy with some big emotions. He's short enough
to receive a rocking horse for a Christmas present, but the intensity of his
emotions is way too big for him to handle. W...
For much of the story, we only know Hester as a "woman" or "mother,"
which is quite fitting for a character that spends much of the story struggling
to find an identity distinct from traditional fe...
Oscar Cresswell
Paul's Uncle Oscar is a somewhat sinister figure in the story, just not
on the surface. He initially appears to be a wealthy gentleman who is
open-minded enough to humor Paul's gambling, and decent...
Bassett is the family's humble gardener. He got his job through Uncle
Oscar, who he served under during the war. Bassett is a working class man with
naively religious views—he thinks Paul's talen...
Paul's father
So…Paul's father. Where is he? We don't even get a name for him; he's
just a figure we catch a glimpse of here and there.
We know that he has expensive tastes and that he hasn't had much luck...