The Ropemaker True or False

1. Who says, "It is over [...] Now we must go. First I must ask you to help me down to the shore. Once there, I will explain to you what you will need to do to return to your Valley"? -> Asarta
2. Who says, "Well, I say it's a scandal and a shame. […] I'd not put up with it, and I'd give this Landholder of yours a piece of my mind, and the Emperor too, if I was to run into him"? -> Meena
3. Who says, "I can see. […] Shapes in a mist only, but… it was like this when my blindness began"? -> Ellion
4. Who says, "[...] Give it to the girl, ma'am. There's something about her—don't understand it myself. New to me. Don't know if it'll stand up to the wards they've got at Talagh, but it's the best you can do [...]"? -> The Ropemaker
5. Who says, "So you've got to keep the feathers safe, and pass them on to your daughter when the time comes, and tell her the story we told you last night"? -> Anja
