Find quotes from this novel, with commentary from Shmoop. Pick a theme below to begin.
Time Quotes
He had no concept of time passing while in that state. Half asleep, half enjoying her presence and the thought that they'd been rescued from that horrible place. (1.29)
Fear Quotes
Thomas had lived in fear and terror the past few weeks, but this was almost too much. (3.3)
Friendship Quotes
Thomas couldn't help but feel sorry for Aris. To get grilled with all these questions after something like that had happened. (6.13)
Memory Quotes
And above it all, he had one image burned into his memories as strongly as a branded mark from a searing hot iron. His friend Chuck, stabbed in the chest, bleeding, dying as Thomas held him. (1.15)
Suffering Quotes
He figured that most if not all of them would have major psychological problems. Maybe even go completely nutso. (1.14)
Manipulation Quotes
How could everything be taken away from them so fast? (4.2)
Madness Quotes
The man yells, "I'm a Crank... I'm a bloody Crank!" (2.16)
Versions of Reality Quotes
Surely he was still asleep, dreaming. For some reason, that thought alone seemed to amplify his hunger... (10.17)