Poverty Quotes in The Scorpio Races

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Talk of axing someone's job is not a thing to toss around lightly. (10.65)

Mutt Malvern is like Mitt Romney in that way: It's not really funny to him unless someone gets fired.

Quote #2

Not many people on the island have cars. (12.11)

This shows us both how Thisby is pretty small, and also how poor everyone is. They live on an isolated island with little-to-no contact with the outside world. How can that kind of economy survive?

Quote #3

We're both going without better for the same reason. (16.36)

Everyone has to make sacrifices on the island, even the horses. Without enough money to feed the family, both Puck and her horse, Dove, are on a diet. And it affects both their abilities to do well athletically.