Religion Quotes in The Scorpio Races

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"God's always happy," Finn says. "You're the one who needs pleasing." (2.27)

This is the first mention of God in the novel. It doesn't tell us much other than Puck and her family are people who have religion somewhere in their lives… though it turns out to play not that big of a part.

Quote #2

Red, Father Mooneyham often remarks sadly, like sin. (12.14)

There is quite a paragraph about the Father's red car and how sinful it is. Smells like a symbol to us, although not a very prominent one. What else is red in the novel? (Hint: a horse. Four letters. Starts with C and rhymes with "poor.") Is there a connection?

Quote #3

I haven't been to confession in a very long time. [...] I've done a great many things that I ought to confess. (12.22)

Puck's religious guilt is starting to show. She's not guilty about much, though. Her main source of guilt: thinking mean thoughts about the brother who is going to abandon her and make them lose their house. Sounds justified to us.