The Secret Agent Rules and Order Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter. Paragraph)

Quote #10

"What pleased me most in this affair […] is that it makes such an excellent starting-point for a piece of work which I've felt must be taken in hand—that is, the clearing out of this country of all the foreign political spies, police, and that sort of—of—dogs. In my opinion they are a ghastly nuisance; also an element of danger." (10.96)

The Assistant Commissioner hates the fact that he's got foreign embassies sending their spies all through his city, and he takes this opportunity to gloat in Mr. Vladimir's face and tell him that he's going to completely throw everyone like Vladimir out of England. For the Assistant Commissioner, there's only one sheriff in town, and anyone else trying to do the job of the London police is only going to cause problems. It seems like we're supposed to take his side here, since Mr. Vladimir is a bad dude, and its pretty cool to see him come down a peg or two.