The Secret Sharer Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I felt suddenly ashamed of myself. I may say truly that I understood—and my hesitation in letting that man swim away from my ship's side had been a mere sham sentiment, a sort of cowardice. (2.111)

The captain eventually admits to himself (and to us) that he has selfish reasons for not wanting Leggatt to leave his ship. He's worried about being left again with no friends, and, you know, one is the loneliest number that you'll ever do.

Quote #8

But of course you do. It's a great satisfaction to have got somebody to understand. You seem to have been there on purpose. (2.113)

Leggatt, like the captain, is certain that some sort of fate has brought them together as friends. The captain is glad to hear this, since it makes him feel a little less crazy.

Quote #9

We remained side by side talking in our secret way—but sometimes silent or just exchanging a whispered word or two at long intervals. (2.114)

Things get pretty close between the captain and Leggatt when they go to bed. It even sounds like they sometimes lie down together, whispering to each other. Maybe they're more than friends, but the captain doesn't want to say…