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The Secret Sharer Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I was extremely tired, in a peculiarly intimate way, by the strain of stealthiness, by the effort of whispering and the general secrecy of this excitement. (1.99)

It's clear that the captain-narrator is very excited to have a friend on his lonely ship. He's so excited, in fact, that he feels tired and giddy, like a kid at a slumber party…or someone who has just fallen in love.

Quote #5

I was constantly watching myself, my secret self, as dependent on my actions as my own personality, sleeping in that bed, behind that door which faced me as I sat at the head of the table. (1.111)

Okay, it's one thing to have a new friend. But things get a little creepy when the captain starts thinking that he and Leggatt are the same person. In other words, the captain wonders if he's left his own body and is watching himself from the outside. Um, yeah…that's not normal.

Quote #6

Maroon you! We are not living in a boy's adventure tale. (2.107)

Toward the end of the book, Leggatt informs the captain that he (Leggatt) will have to jump ship and swim for shore to have any chance of being free. But the captain isn't a big fan of this plan, and he criticizes it as being childish. But want to know the honest truth? He probably just doesn't want to lose his friend.