How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
It was strange to see them like that. How could someone who got along so well with me do the same with someone like her? (17.35)
As America's totally-platonic-we-swear friendship with Maxon grows, she starts more closely analyzing the prince's relationships with the other women. The most questions arise where Celeste is concerned. How could such a smart guy have feelings for a girl so awful?
Quote #8
It was true, though. Janelle was the only girl to have two dates with Maxon besides me. Not that I was counting. (17.85)
We get it, America: you're sixteen and oh, so oblivious, but your lack of self-awareness is causing us physical pain. Like, we need take a long lunch break today and get a massage just to relax now. Sheesh.
Quote #9
Should I ask him about kissing Olivia? Should I tell him how tense I was feeling around the girls now that things had changed between us? (19.69)
The game changes completely once America admits that she has feelings for Maxon. No longer can she hide behind her love for Aspen as a reason not to fully engage with the Selection. Now she's playing for keeps. The only downside to this, however, is that she now falls victim to the mind-games and cattiness as the other girls.