How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
Our caste was just three away from the bottom. We were artists. And artists and classical musicians were only three steps up from dirt. Literally. (1.17)
The country of Illéa has an eight-tiered caste system: each caste corresponds to a set of professions. America's family members are Fives, for example, which are the highest of the low classes. This status affords them a decent lifestyle, though they too have trouble putting food on the table at times.
Quote #2
When I thought of it that way, the Selection seemed like a rope, something sure I could grab onto [...] and [...] pull my family along with me. (1.24)
If America wins the Selection, her family will be vaulted out of poverty. And this won't just be financial: they'll also gain a whole lot more respect from society at large. Knowing this, it's no wonder that America's mom pushes her so hard to take part in the competition.
Quote #3
Besides, I'd been in the homes of enough Twos and Threes to be sure I never wanted to live among them, let alone be a One. (1.43)
America is unique in that she doesn't buy into the constraints of the caste system. She knows that there are material benefits to being higher up on the ladder, true, but she's equally aware of the more negative aspects of such decadence.