How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
"Well, I get tutored with a bunch of other Fours back home, all girls, and they each have their ways of getting under other people's skin." (10.20)
Interestingly, America feels lost being around so many women. She's spent most of her life cloistered up with her family, after all, so she hasn't had the opportunity to socialize with many other people.
Quote #5
"One of the rebels got a hold of Lucy [...] "I'm not sure they have very many women with them, if you catch my meaning." (13.168)
Yikes. Although rebel attacks seem like scary scenarios no matter your gender, they seem like particularly frightening propositions for women, since women often get kidnapped or worse. This is yet another reminder that times are tough if you're a woman in the wild world of Illéa.
Quote #6
It seemed like Maxon's experience with women was so great and so small at once. [...] It was like he knew how to treat a lady, he just didn't know how to treat a date. (15.6)
In our eyes, this is because Maxon has been taught about the proper way to interact with women but completely lacks experience in that arena. He's all book smarts and no street smarts. Fortunately for him, he's about to go through a seriously intense training regimen: the Selection is like romantic CrossFit.