How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The Shining.
Quote #7
JACK: Did your mother ever say that to you—that I would hurt you?
Jack wants to know if Wendy has ever told Danny that he (Jack) would hurt him. After all, he's sick of being treated like an abusive maniac just because he pulled too hard on his son's arm one time when Danny was very young. This kind of accusation is almost enough to send him off the deep end.
Quote #8
WENDY: It's... it's just the sort of thing you do a hundred times with a child—you know, in a park or on the streets—but on this particular occasion my husband just... used too much strength and he injured Danny's arm.
At the beginning of the movie, Wendy is happy to make excuses for her husband and to explain away the injury he caused Danny. Now it might be true that the injury was a total accident, but the fact that Jack was drunk at the time suggests that Wendy has more to worry about than just an isolated accident.
Quote #9
ULLMAN: The site is supposed to be located on an Indian burial ground, and I believe they actually had to repel a few Indian attacks as they were building it.
The Overlook Hotel is no stranger to violence. Even during its construction, the place was the site of several battles between the builders and some local Native Americans. Building the thing on a Native American burial ground is also something that never tends to work out well in the movies.