The Silver Chair Courage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Page)

Quote #10

Jill, who had been so cowardly about going through a black hole between one cave and another, went in without fear between the stamping and snorting beasts, and she and the Prince had them saddled and bridled in a few minutes. (13.193)

Lewis is always careful to show his characters in the most forgiving light possible—and he's never short on praise when they do things well. Jill gets to redeem herself here by showing her boldness and skill when handling Rilian's frightened horses.

Quote #11

[Eustace] thought that the hole would lead only into some other cave, lit by some ghostly phosphorescence and filled with goodness-knows-what evil creatures of the Underworld. So that when he had persuaded Puddleglum to give him a back, and drawn his sword, and poked out his head, he had really been doing a very brave thing. (15.221)

Although there really is no danger to Eustace at this moment, it doesn't detract from his bravery. His willingness to place himself in harm's way to save his friend earns him a gold star for courage.