The Silver Chair Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Page)

Quote #4

"That's right," said the Marsh-wiggle, getting down on his hands and knees. "You keep a grip on my heels, Pole, and Scrubb will hold on to yours. Then we'll all be comfortable." (10.143)

Jill's fear of tight, dark spaces makes it absolutely necessary for her friends to help her wiggle through a crack on the floor of an underground cave. Otherwise, the Earthmen will have no problem using their spears on the intruders.

Quote #5

They all stood looking at one another with bright eyes. It was a sickening moment. "All right!" said Jill suddenly. "Let's get it over. Good-bye, everyone… !" They all shook hands. (11.167)

We're not sure if this moment—when they decide to free the Black Knight—better illustrates the bravery of the crew or their strong friendship. It definitely shows the trust they have in one another as they face potential mortal danger (yet again) on their mission.

Quote #6

"These, my true friends, have delivered me." (12.172)

Rilian finally knows the score: The Lady is not "a nosegay of all virtues" after all. He'll have a hard time resisting further enchantment, though, and will have to rely on Puddleglum to help him resist the Queen's wicked wiles.