The Silver Chair Good Versus Evil Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Page)

Quote #10

For the last few minutes Jill had been feeling that there was something she must remember at all costs. And now she did. But it was dreadfully hard to say it. She felt as if huge weights were laid on her lips. At last, with an effort that seemed to take all the good out of her, she said: "There's Aslan." (12.179)

Despite the strong enchantments of the witch Queen, Jill is able to bring Aslan's name to mind to the bitter end. Perhaps it's because he is the Ultimate Good in Narnia or because he's still calling to her in this moment of need. Either way, this last thread of good inspires Puddleglum to fight back and help conquer the Queen.

Quote #11

"That Witch has laid a train of magic spells so that whenever she was killed, at that same moment her whole kingdom would fall to pieces. She's the sort that wouldn't so much mind dying herself if she knew that the chap who killed her was going to be burned, or buried, or drowned five minutes later." (13.189)

If you wanted ultimate proof that the Queen of Underland personifies evil, here you have it. She has made sure that her world will collapse so that all of her minions and potential conquerors won't be able to enjoy their freedom for very long. Nice.