The Silver Chair Justice and Judgment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Page)

Quote #10

When the police arrived and found no lion, no broken wall, and no convicts, and the Head behaving like a lunatic, there was an inquiry into the whole thing. And in the inquiry all sorts of things about Experiment House came out, and about ten people got expelled. After that, the Head's friends saw that the Head was no use as a Head, so they got her made an Inspector to interfere with other Heads. (16.242)

Justice comes to Experiment House after Jill and Eustace return in spectacular fashion. Aslan allows the children to use their Narnian clothes and weapons (and their friend Caspian) to face up to the bullies who were chasing them. Despite the chaos, it really is a fairy tale ending for Jill and Eustace.