The Silver Chair Principles Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Page)

Quote #4

Jill, who was new to that world, was sorry for the poor stag and thought it rotten of the giants to have killed him. Scrubb, who had been in that world before and had at least one talking beast as his dear friend, felt horrified; as you might feel about a murder. But Puddleglum, who was Narnian born, was sick and faint, and felt as you would feel if you found you had eaten a baby. (9.128)

Taboos can often be relative; for instance, if you are an American, you probably love peanut butter. However, if you moved to Italy and asked your Italian friend to make you a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, they would be horrified and think you are super gross.

Okay, that's a lighter version of what is going on at this luncheon in Harfang, but it illustrates a similar point: Jill doesn't quite understand the rules about consuming animals in Narnia, but she can see that a custom has been transgressed. Puddleglum, however, knows the rules and how to behave and feels the full responsibility of his actions.

Quote #5

"There's one thing you've got to remember. We're back on the right lines. We were to go under the Ruined City, and we are under it. We're following instructions again." (10.148)

Following instructions seems like an unexciting thing to do, but in Narnia, it's a sign that your faith is strong. Puddleglum understands that in order to be a true Narnian—in order to be part of Aslan's team—you've got to follow his commands, even if they seem to go against common sense and the need for personal safety. Jill is freaked out by the Earthmen and feels pretty certain that she's in a bad situation, but Puddleglum reassures her that they're doing the right thing.

Quote #6

"There are no accidents. Our guide is Aslan; and he was there when the giant King caused the letters to be cut, and he knew already all things that would come of them; including this." (10.154)

Puddleglum seems to be the only one carrying a moral compass on this trip—he constantly has to remind everyone about their mission, Aslan's instructions, and how things work if you are an ethical person. Here, Rilian tries to dash the crew's hopes about the words written on the surface of the giant city—but Puddleglum is sticking to the truth of Aslan's signs.