Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from The Sky is Everywhere.
Abandonment Quotes
No way. We're thinking about her. That's different. Why? Because we're not in a fountain in Rome on a hot summer night with gorgeous Luigi. (15.1)
Identity Quotes
Sure, I've always been into the Big Bang theory of passion, but as something theoretical, something that happens in books that you can close and put back on the shelf, something I might secretly wa...
Philosophical Viewpoints Quotes
Sarah is the most enthusiastic cynical person on the planet. She'd be the perfect cheerleader if she wasn't so disgusted by school spirit. She's a literature fanatic like me, but reads darker, read...
Love Quotes
I get a good look at him. I've forgotten quite how luminous he is, like another species of human that doesn't have blood but light running through their veins. (9.32)
Man and the Natural World Quotes
Gram has believed for most of my seventeen years that this particular houseplant, which is of the nondescript variety, reflects my emotional, spiritual, and physical well-being. I've grown to belie...
Guilt and Blame Quotes
Judas, Brutus, Benedict Arnold, and me. (6.2)
Dreams, Hopes, and Plans Quotes
Whatever it was, whatever that thing is Mr. James took us in the woods that day to find, whether it's abandon, or passion, whether it's innovation, or simply courage, Joe has it. His ass is in the...
Mortality Quotes
Uncle Big attended the door as people stopped by to pay their respects. Gram and I could hear his booming voice again and again, "Oh a ham, how thoughtful, thank you, come in." As the days went on...