The Sky is Everywhere Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Sky is Everywhere? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. When Lennie was younger, Gram explained Paige's disappearance by saying what?

Paige has the "restless gene" that ran in the family.
Paige has a mental disorder.
Paige was kidnapped.
Paige left because she and Gram had a fight.
Q. Joe removing Lennie's ponytail corresponds to what theme?

Dreams, Hopes, and Plans
Q. How does Gram prevent Lennie and Bailey from blaming their mother for leaving?

She doesn't tell them any details about Paige.
She walks out of the room whenever they ask a question about their mother that she doesn't want to answer.
She paints a romantic picture of Paige as an explorer.
All of the above
Q. What does Lennie tell Rachel when she confronts her?

Joe belongs to Lennie.
Lennie is going to challenge Rachel for first chair.
Rachel has no regard for other people's feelings.
Rachel's outfit looks ugly.
Q. Following Bailey's death, whenever Gram is feeling particularly bad, her cooking is described as tasting like…

burnt bread.