The Spectacular Now Chapter 51 Summary

  • When it's time to crown the king and queen, Sutter takes Aimee for a walk around the building.
  • The prom's being held in a big hall at a horse-racing track, so Sutter explains how you bet on the horses there.
  • She asks him if he'd bet on one if it was named Cassidy, and then tells him he should have known better than to slow dance with her.
  • What does he need to do to make her trust him?
  • Well, how about moving to St. Louis for college in the fall?
  • Sutter sort of panics. This is way too much commitment, way too fast for him.
  • Aimee keeps at it, saying she thinks he should find his dad, too, and go talk to him.
  • Finally, she asks him point blank if he'll move in with her – and he says yes.