The Spectacular Now Resources
Tim Tharp's author website
We seriously hope you don't need this, but we can't let you go without a brief PSA. Here's a message to teens from Alcoholics Anonymous.
Movie or TV Productions
See Sutter in his award-winning action.
Ugh, these two are too cute. Sickening.
Articles and Interviews
This movie review covers the book pretty well, too.
Find out where the idea for Sutter came from.
More about Tim's take on YA lit.
Kirkus Reviews thinks the booze has more bang than the book.
This trailer actually makes the movie look heartwarming.
Okay, if you can ignore the silly hat, Shailene Woodley is pretty cute.
Does listening to the ebook count as drinking and driving?
Is it just us, or does this cover remind anyone else of the titles for a Bond movie?
Can we see some ID?
Fire up the Jimmy Buffett.