The Spectacular Now Characters

Meet the Cast

Sutter Keely

Sutter Keely is one big goofy bundle of contradictions. He's kind-hearted and selfish, desperate for love and unable to accept it. We can't decide whether we want to give him a hug or slap on the f...

Aimee Finecky

Aimee and Sutter have a lot in common. They both like old music. They both like to drink. They both want to be loved. Wipe Your FeetWhile wanting to be loved makes Sutter alternately selfish and se...

Cassidy Roy

Cassidy is Sutter's "beautiful fat girlfriend" (1.1) … who dumps him as soon as she possibly can, because she's actually a cool chick who's got her life together. She also might be his only real...

Mrs. Easley

Mrs. Easley is Sutter and Holly's mom, but no one's going to be bringing home any Mom of the Year mugs for her. She was warm and loving at one point--when his dad was still around—but Sutter hasn...

Mr. Keely

Mr. Keely is Sutter's real dad. Sutter idealizes the guy, remembering all the good times they had as a family—but let's take a look at the facts. Mr. KeelyCheated on his wife (repeatedly)Abandone...

Garth Easley

Garth Easley, otherwise known as Geech, is Sutter's stepdad. He is a rich guy, and Sutter is convinced that's the only reason his mom married him. His parenting involves threatening Sutter with mil...

Mrs. Gates

Pot, meet kettle. Mrs. Gates is Sutter's dad's drunk of a girlfriend down in Fort Worth. She's married and has kids, but she's cheating on her husband and paying her boyfriend's bills …until she...


Holly is Sutter's 25-year-old big sis. She's latched on to her husband's rich lifestyle, and Sutter despises her for it, natch. They're about as close as you'd expect. (Not at all.)


Kevin is Holly's rich, 40-year-old husband. According to Sutter, he's super snobby, and just an all-around jerk. Holly and Sutter's mom love him to death, though. (Green is their favorite color.)

Ricky Mehlinger

Ricky has been Sutter's best friend since 4th grade. When we meet him, he's a carefree, marijuana-smoking, philosophizing party boy like Sutter (sans all the girls); when he starts dating Bethany,...

Tara Thompson

Tara is Bethany's BFF. When her mom kicks her stepdad out of the house, she confides in Sutter about his prescription painkiller abuse – but when she gives him a hug to say thanks for listening,...

Bethany Marks

Bethany is Ricky's girlfriend. She and Ricky are totes in love, but she does not approve of Sutter one little bit. She uses her feminine wiles to get Ricky to stop smoking marijuana and drinking, a...

Marcus West

Marcus starts dating Cassidy after she breaks up with Sutter. He's a really decent guy, who does all kinds of volunteer work because he's genuinely concerned with helping others. His version of con...


Randy is Aimee's mom's live-in boyfriend. He collects disability payment—which he and Mrs. Finecky love to gamble away at the casinos. Oh, and he bosses Aimee around constantly.

Mrs. Finecky

Aimee's mom is just…well, let's just say we might be awarding that Mom of the Year mug to Mrs. Easley, after all. Her only job is a paper route that she makes Aimee do while she goes out gambling...

Shane Finecky

Shane is Aimee's extremely annoying little brother. He loves nothing more than to embarrass and irritate Aimee whenever Sutter's over. To be fair, his mom sets a really bad example.

Shawnie Brown

Shawnie is one of Sutter's ex-girlfriends, and is now one of his good buddies. Whenever they see each other, they do this crazy Italian mobster routine together.

Krystal Krittenbrink

Krystal is Aimee's bossy, sarcastic friend – and also her only friend, until Sutter comes along. She walks all over Aimee, but she does care about her feelings at least a little—she confronts S...


Walter is the 6-year-old kid Sutter discovers running away from home in the first chapter. He's a spunky little guy who just wants to go live with his dad. If this makes you think about what Sutter...

Bob Lewis

Bob is Sutter's boss at the men's clothing store. He's a great guy: a family man, a big brother figure, and an example of how Sutter's life could have turned out. But didn't.