- Back at Henry's place, Henry asks Johnny why he's acting so jumpy. But Johnny says it's nothing.
- Johnny asks Henry how many people he's conned in his entire life. Henry figures that it must be two or three hundred. Of course, he says that for most of it Chicago was a rigged down where the police let that stuff happen and just took a cut.
- So it was never all that dangerous law-wise. But that's exactly why Henry thinks it stunk. For him, there's no point in being a con man without the danger.
- Before Johnny leaves, he wants Henry to know that he wouldn't have him doing all of this con stuff if it weren't for Luther. It sounds like Johnny is already trying to apologize for what he's going to do to Henry.
- We cut to Johnny waiting outside the diner where he usually eats. He waits until the lights in the diner go out and his waitress starts walking down the street. He watches as she heads into her nearby apartment and turns the light on. Then he lingers for a while before walking up to the place.
- Inside, Johnny goes to the woman's door and she doesn't seem all that surprised to see him. He asks her if she'd like to come out with him for a drink. But instead she just lets him into her apartment and the shot fades away.
- Henry sits up in bed smoking until Billie sits up next to him and tells him to stop worrying so much. In her words, Henry has done everything he can to ensure a good con.
- Across town, we see Johnny lying with his eyes wide open next to the waitress who's name we still don't really know yet—although we can find out from the credits that her name is Loretta.
- Before the shot ends, we see someone looking out from a window across the street from Johnny. A gloved hand turns out the light in that apartment. Dum dum dummm.