Identity Quotes in The Sun is Also a Star

How we cite our quotes: (Page number)

Quote #7

"Don't tell me I'll be alright. I don't know that place. I've been here since I was eight years old. I don't know anyone in Jamaica. I don't have an accent. I don't know my family there, not the way you're supposed to know family. It's my senior year. What about prom and graduation and my friends?" (22)

Natasha’s wrestling with the impending loss of her identity, so she’s not exactly in the mood for Lester Barnes’ jokes about everything in Jamaica being irie. High school is already drama-filled enough without being deported before graduation.

Quote #8

"You and your Korean food and your Korean friends and studying Korean in school. It's pathetic. Don't you get it, Little Brother? You're just like everybody else." 

Wait. What? 

"You hate me because I have Korean friends?" "Korean is all you are," he spits out. "We're not even from the goddamn country." 

 And I get it. I really do. Some days it's hard to be in America. Some days I feel like I'm halfway to the moon, trapped between the Earth and it. (221)

Apparently, Daniel’s embrace of their Korean identity is the reason Charlie’s such a jerk to him. He appears to be a jerk to everyone else too, so we’re not 100% convinced that he’d be nicer to Daniel if he stopped eating soon dubu.