Science Quotes in The Sun is Also a Star

How we cite our quotes: (Page number)

Quote #7

I've never really understood the phrase they have chemistry before now After all, everything is chemistry. Everything is combination and reaction. The atoms in my body align themselves with the atoms in his. It's the way I knew he was still in the lobby earlier today. (261)

If Nicola Yoon didn’t have this line in mind when she started writing the book, she could have fooled us. It’s an absolutely perfect description of the two sides of Natasha: science and passion.

Quote #8

"If we calculate the gravitational forces of all the objects we can detect, it's not enough to keep galaxies and stars in orbit around each other. There has to be more matter that we can't see. Dark matter."...

"And it's the reason why objects don't hurtle themselves off into deep dark space? It's what keeps us bound together?"

Her skepticism turns into suspicion. "What is your addled poet brain getting at?"

"You're gonna hate me."

"Maybe," she agrees.

"Dark matter is love. It's the attracting force."

"Oh God Jesus no. Yuck. Blech. You're the worst." (274)

Maybe someday scientists will determine what all this dark matter actually is, but for now, Daniel’s explanation is as good as any. This conversation sticks with Natasha all the way into her professional life as a Jamaican physicist.

Quote #9

Because everything looks like chaos up close. Daniel thinks it's a matter of scale. If you pull back far enough and wait for long enough, then order emerges. Maybe their universe is just taking longer to form. (340)

While Natasha sees reality as the negation of fate, Daniel sees the two concepts working hand in hand.