Spirituality Quotes in The Sun is Also a Star

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Quote #4

"You really believe in God?" 

"I do." 

"One guy? In the sky? With superpowers?" 

Her disbelief isn't mocking, just investigative. "Not exactly like that," I say. 

"What, then?" 

 I squeeze her hand. "You know the way we feel right now? This connection between us that we don't understand and we don't want to let go of? That's God." (271)

Daniel’s beliefs may be unconventional, but his last line is swoon-worthy for Natasha, who almost wants Daniel to convince her that there’s more to life than her pessimistic view of it.

Quote #5

"I think all the good parts of us are connected on some level. The part that shares the last double chocolate chip cookie or donates to charity or gives a dollar to a street musician or becomes a candy striper or cries at Apple commercials or says I love you or I forgive you. I think that's God. God is the connection of the very best parts of us." (272)

To be honest, this quote from Daniel sounds like the script for a tear jerking Apple commercial...but it’s still a nice idea. Even Charlie has done one good, selfless thing in his life, and it’s uplifting to think that everyone is connected despite their differences.

Quote #6

I walk down Seventh Avenue toward my barber, keeping my out for some kind of Sign. On Thirty-Seventh I spot a church. I climb the stairs and try the door, but it's locked. God must be sleeping in. I look left and right. Still no Sign. I'm looking for something subtle, along the lines of a long-haired man turning water into wine and holding a placard proclaiming himself to be Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior. 

Suit be damned, I sit down on the steps. Back across the street, people are making their way around a girl who is swaying slightly. She's black with an enormous, curly Afro and almost-as-enormous pink headphones. (49)

Ooooh. Could it be that Daniel was looking for an obvious sign from God about his future, but God had other things in mind and put Natasha in his path? Sending Jesus to chill in Times Square would be the obvious choice, but props to the Man Upstairs for switching things up and sending a beautiful black atheist with emotional baggage who’s getting deported today instead.