The Tale of Despereaux Guilt and Blame Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Despereaux made a small noise of despair. He had slept too long. The rat had already acted. The princess was gone. (39.8)

Although Despereaux has been doing his best to look out for the princess, he still blames himself when she goes missing. He feels like he should have been more vigilant in foiling Roscuro.

Quote #8

Despereaux looked at his father and saw an old mouse whose fur was shot through with gray. How could that be? Despereaux had been gone only a few days, but his father seemed to have aged many years in his absence. (40.12)

Despereaux's father is obviously not having an easy week. His physical appearance shows that he's had a hard time since sentencing his son to death. Guilt can take a huge toll on you, the author seems to be saying. Lester should be feeling guilty.

Quote #9

Despereaux looked at his father, at his gray-streaked fur and trembling whiskers and his front paws clasped together in front of his heart, and he felt suddenly as if his own heart would break in two. His father looked so small, so sad.

"Forgive me," said Lester again. (40.18-19)

Despereaux decides to forgive Lester…even though he really messed up in the fatherhood department. Would Despereaux have forgiven him if Lester hadn't expressed his remorse?