The Tale of Despereaux Revenge Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Roscuro, hidden beneath Mig's skirts, rubbed his front paws together. "Warn her all you like, old man," he whispered. "My hour has arrived. The time is now and your rope must break. No nib-nib-nibbling this time, rather a serious chew that will break it in two. Yes, it is all coming clear. Revenge is at hand." (32.33)

More consequences: Gregory's got to die if Roscuro's going to get his revenge. Revenge can destroy everything around it, not just its intended target.

Quote #8

And while the mouse slept, Roscuro put his terrible plan into effect. Would you like to hear, reader, how it all unfolded? The story is not a pretty one. There is violence in it. And cruelty. (36.1)

This might be the only trigger warning ever to be written into a fairy tale.

Quote #9

Listen. This is how it happened. First, the rat finished, once and for all, the job he had started long ago: He chewed through Gregory's rope, all the way through it, so that the jailer became lost in the maze of the dungeon. Late at night, when the castle was dark, the serving girl Miggery Sow climbed the stairs to the princess's room. (36.2)

Even though this is a fairy tale, Shmoop thinks it's a pretty realistic depiction about how people can be totally obsessed with getting revenge against someone they think has hurt them.