The Unvanquished Chapter 6: Skirmish at Sartoris Summary

Section 1

  • Bayard had received a letter from his Aunt Louisa addressed to Granny, talking about how upset she was that Drusilla had decided to act like a man and go to battle.
  • Another letter comes, and this one also talks about how worried Aunt Louisa is about Drusilla's honor. She wants John and Drusilla to tie the knot because that would make the whole thing less disgraceful.

Section 2

  • A third letter comes to Mrs. Compson. By this time Drusilla and John are back living at home, because the war has ended. Mrs. Compson and a Mrs. Habersham come to visit and see what Aunt Louisa is so upset about.
  • It seems that the ladies think she's pregnant—as if that's the reason she hides in men's clothes, working down by the creek.
  • When Drusilla realizes what they suspect she takes off running, and Bayard finds her in the cabin with Louvinia. Drusilla is crying, saying that she just went to war "to hurt Yankees" and that there's nothing between her and John.
  • Aunt Louisa then shows up, but no one pays her much mind because everyone is busy working on rebuilding the town and the houses. Which should give you a sense of what's actually important at a time like this.
  • One day Ringo comes back from town and announces that he's no longer a "n*****" because he's "been abolished."
  • He also explains that an escaped slave, Cassius Q. Benbow, is running for Marshal of Jefferson and that that's why all the white people, like John, are so worried.
  • It turns out that two men from Missouri have come to organize the black people in the south and make them into Republicans. John and the others are working against this.
  • Meanwhile, Aunt Louisa makes it known that she wants Drusilla married to John, and she conquers her daughter by making her put on a dress.

Section 3

  • The next day the ladies come over to get the wedding reception ready, while everyone else is more worried about the election that is taking place on the same day.
  • Cousin Denny and Ringo come riding in, shouting that John and Drusilla have killed the two Missouri organizers. The women are more upset that they missed their wedding than about the potential murder charges.
  • After John killed the men, he took charge of the ballot box, appointing Drusilla voting commissioner and carrying it back home under guard.
  • Back at the house Aunt Louisa throws a fit because Drusilla forgot ("forgot") to get married. They have the election then and there, and then ride back into town with the box and get hitched. That's one way to get two birds with one stone.