Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from The Unvanquished.
Admiration Quotes
...and Father damp too from the ford, his boots dark and dustcaked too, the skirts of his weathered gray coat shades darker than the breast and back and sleeves where the tarnished buttons and the...
Warfare Quotes
Although Vicksburg was just a handful of chips from the woodpile and the River a trench scraped into the packed earth with the point of a hoe, it (river, city, and terrain) lived, possessing even i...
Slavery Quotes
"Hush your mouth, nigger!" she cried, in that tense desperate voice. "Come on here and get em some wood!" (1.1.15)
Courage Quotes
But that dont suit John Sartoris because John Sartoris is a damned confounded selfish coward, askeered to stay at home where the Yankees might get him. (2.2.22)
Gender Quotes
Bobolink came up the road out of the trees and went across the railroad and into the trees again like a bird, with Cousin Drusilla riding astride like a man and sitting straight and light as a will...
Memory and the Past Quotes
And when I went in to supper, the table was set with the kitchen knives and forks in place of the silver ones, and the sideboard (on which the silver service had been sitting when I began to rememb...
Duty Quotes
"Yes," Granny said. "I am following Colonel Sartoris' instructions as I believe he meant them." (2.1.5)
Sin Quotes
She sat there looking at the fire, with the can in her hands and the string which suspended it looping down from around her neck. She didn't look any thinner or any older. She didn't look sick eith...