The Unvanquished Steaminess Rating

Exactly how steamy is this story?


So there isn't really any graphic getting-it-on in the novel, but there are some innuendos and smooches that we could talk about. Everybody and their mother is worried about what Dru is up to when she's off with the troops. They're too classy to spell out their suspicions, but we will: S-E-X.

Also, Dru has a weird way of rebelling against her husband. She kisses his son in a sweet, romantic moment. The tenderness is, of course, a little awkward, given that he's not only her stepson but also her cousin. But the incest doesn't go any further than a peck, so don't get too excited.

Other than that, it's the violence that boosts this rating. It is a war novel, after all.