The Usual Suspects Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The Usual Suspects.

Quote #7

KUJAN: It was his idea to rob the taxi service back in New York, wasn't it? C'mon, tell me the truth.

VERBAL: It was all Keaton! We followed him from the beginning! I didn't know! I saw him die! I believe he's dead, oh Christ!

After we learn that Verbal is Söze, we realize that he's deceiving Kujan here by pretending to have been deceived by Keaton!

Quote #8

RABIN: Yeah. It's got it's own system though. It all makes sense when you look at it right. You just have to step back from it, you know? You should see my garage. Now, that's a horror show...

Rabin comments on the disorder in his office, and speaks truer words than he realizes. The "system" Kujan missed seeing was right on the bulletin board—the source of all Verbal's extravagant lies.