Fear Quotes in The Walking Dead

How we cite our quotes: (Panel)

Quote #4

"S***. S***. S***. S***." (200)

Yep, that's pretty much what we'd say, too, if we were surrounded by dozens of hungry zombies, even if we were on a horse. Rick knows enough about these creatures at this point to be afraid of them. Very afraid.

Quote #5

"No. No way in hell." (232)

Rick has to take a flying leap between two buildings. It's pretty terrifying. If he doesn't make it, he won't just fall to the ground, he'll fall to a ground covered in zombies and be their all-you-can-eat lunch buffet.

Quote #6

"He can't sleep anymore unless he knows I'm right next to him." (284)

Carl's only seven, so it's no surprise that he's absolutely terrified to fall asleep at night. We imagine it would be scary to go to sleep at any age if there are zombies wandering the woods around your camp. How do you contain your own fear so that your kid has some minimum sense of security in a situation like this?