The White Devil Women and Femininity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Act.Scene

Quote #10

Vit. O ye dissembling men!

Flam. We suck'd that, sister,
From women's breasts, in our first infancy. (4.2)

Flamineo claims that the male ability to fake people out is really inherited from women, who are the true masters of deception. Charming.

Quote #11

Flam… Know, many glorious women that are fam'd
For masculine virtue, have been vicious,
Only a happier silence did betide them:
She hath no faults, who hath the art to hide them. (5.6)

Flamineo cynically says that many women famed for virtue were really guilty of sin—it's just that no one ever discovered it. Being someone who loves to deceive, Flamineo tends to find deception in others, as well.