The Wife's Lament Resources


The Wife's Lament: Translated a Bunch of Times

We know you're wondering about other translations of the poem. Here are a few more to peruse, so you can see just how different each version turns out.

One Stop Lament-Shop

Check out Oxford University's comprehensive resource on the poem.


Lamentable Dancing

Here's an… interesting video interpretation of the poem.

Origins of Old English

Dying to know where Old English came from? This video's got answers.


"The Wife's Lament" Aloud

For your listening pleasure, here is some guy on YouTube reading the poem out loud in Old English.

Eavan Boland's Version

And now listen to poet Eavan Boland give her reading of the poem.


The Exeter Book

Here's the original text.

"The Wife's Lament," Part 1

Check out the script of the first half of the original poem.

"The Wife's Lament," Part 2

Now check out the second half.

Articles and Interviews

"Murdering the Narrator of The Wife's Lament"

Is our speaker actually dead? Read more on that theory here.

"The Wife's Lament: Possibly the Most Perfect Anglo Saxon Riddle Ever Written"

Mysteries abound… as explained in this article.