The Wings of the Dove Marriage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Volume.Book.Chapter.Line)

Quote #1

They had accepted their acquaintance as too short for an engagement, but they had treated it as long enough for almost anything else, and marriage was somehow before them like a temple without an avenue. (

Merton and Kate want to get married, but they both agree that they haven't been seeing one another long enough to tie the knot. For this reason, they view the institution of marriage as a building they want to go into but can't because there's no road leading to it. They know where they want to end up, but not how to get there.

Quote #2

Only now he was having to think if [poverty] were prohibitive in respect to marriage; only now, for the first time, had he to weigh his case in scales. (

Merton has never thought of his financial position as something that would keep him from getting married. But now, with Aunt Maud in the picture, he realizes that this is definitely the case. In all honesty, it's kind of sweet and naïve for him to think that love is all that matters in a world filled with people like Aunt Maud.

Quote #3

"Will you settle it by our being married tomorrow—as we can, with perfect ease, civilly?" (

When he gets tired of waiting, Merton asks Kate to marry him outright. He knows that Aunt Maud has another guy in mind for Kate already, and Merton is on the verge of spending several months in New York. Before he leaves, though, he wants to marry Kate. But Kate tells him that they should hold off.