The Yearling Coming of Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Then, with his bear meat behind him, he felt bold again, and mature" (20.221)

Nothing like a backpack full of bear meat to give you that grown-up swagger. Okay, not that we know much about that. But we do remember how it felt the first time our mom sent us to the grocery store by ourselves: pretty darn grown up. Helping out your family is about as mature as it gets

Quote #5

"It gave Jody a strange feeling to have his father admit that he could not handle anything alone" (23.53)

By the end of the book, Jody feels he can handle the farm alone. But let's be honest: we're talking about a twelve-year-old. He might feel grown-up, but we're not convinced he has the physical maturity to handle an entire farm.

Quote #6

"Behind him's the fawn. Before him's the buck" (29.14)

This is Penny talking about Flag, but he might as well be talking about Jody. In the 21st century we'd call him a tween: more than a boy but still a little less than a man. He's still got a few more animals to kills before.