The Yearling Coming of Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"They cain't make me do it" (32.4)

Oh, cain't they? Maybe not, but they cain accidentally set things up so that Jody makes himself kill Flag. It's a good thing this part of Jody's breakdown doesn't last long, because "You can't make me do it" is about the silliest, most immature thing you can say.

Quote #8

"It seemed to him that if he found it, he would discover with it all the other things that had vanished" (33.83)

"It" here is the flutter-mill, and "all the other things" are Jody's childhood and innocence. So, yeah, this is a big moment. (Spoiler: he doesn't find it.)

Quote #9

"When I was a child, I spake as a child" (33.111)

Allusion alert: this is the first half of a super-famous excerpt from Corinthians in the Christian New Testament. The second half? "When I became a man, I put away childish things." At the end of The Yearling, Jody realizes it's time to put away childish things, like flutter-mills, and running away, and pet deer. Gee, adulthood sounds really boring.