The Zoo Story Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Zoo Story? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. "It isn't a law, for God's sake"—What does Jerry mean by that?

It's not a law that parakeets have to set the dinner table.
It's not a law that Peter gets to keep his bench.
It's not a law that you have to be married to the mother of your children.
It's not a law that you have to have a house.
Q. "I had tried to love and I had tried to kill, and both had been unsuccessful by themselves"—What is Jerry referring to?

Trying to love and trying to kill Peter.
Trying to love and trying to kill his landlady.
Trying to love and trying to kill his landlady's dog.
Trying to love and trying to kill Sigmund Freud.
Q. "Your parents…perhaps…a girl friend…"—What is Peter talking about?

People who might have stolen Jerry's bench.
People who might let Jerry live with them.
People who might be in cages at the zoo.
People whom Jerry might put in his picture frames.
Q. "You should know that; it's a rule"—What rule is Peter talking about?

People can't have everything they want.
People have to love one another.
People have to own parakeets.
People aren't allowed to stab each other.
Q. "Somewhere, somewhere in the back of that pea-sized brain of hers, an organ developed just enough to let her eat, drink, and emit, she has some foul parody of sexual desire"—Who is Jerry talking about here?

His landlady.
His landlady's dog.
Peter's wife.
A gorilla at the zoo.