Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from The Zoo Story.
Family Quotes
PETER: Why yes, we have two; one for the children.JERRY: You're married!PETER: (With pleased emphasis) Why, certainly. JERRY: It isn't a law for God's sake. (40-43)
Language and Communication Quotes
I've been to the zoo. (PETER doesn't notice.) I said, I've been to the zoo. MISTER, I'VE BEEN TO THE ZOO! (1)
Mortality Quotes
No, sir. What you'll probably get is cancer of the mouth, and then you'll have to wear one of those things Freud wore after they took one whole side of his jaw away. (17)
Philosophical Viewpoint: The Absurd Quotes
You'll read about it in the papers tomorrow, if you don't see it on your TV tonight. You have TV, haven't you? (39)
Rules and Order Quotes
JERRY: And the zoo is around Sixty-fifth Street; so I've been walking north.PETER: (Anxious to get back to his reading) Yes; it would seem so. JERRY: Good old north. (9-11)
Sex Quotes
And for those eleven days, I met at least twice a day with the park superintendent's son…a Greek boy, whose birthday was the same as mine, except he was a year older. I think I was very much in l...
Sexuality and Sexual Identity Quotes
JERRY: And you have a wife.PETER: (Bewildered by the seeming lack of communication) Yes! (46-47)
Society and Class Quotes
I…uh…I have an executive position with a…a small publishing house. (76)