Thelma (Geena Davis)’s Timeline and Summary

Thelma (Geena Davis)’s Timeline and Summary

  • Thelma gets a call from Louise, reminding her about their upcoming fishing trip. She hastily packs and drops a handgun in her bag because who knows what they'll encounter in the woods? Thelma's the nervous type.
  • Free at last, leaving only a note taped to a beer for her menacing hubby, Thelma can't wait for the fun to begin, and she begs Louise to stop by a roadside bar for a few drinks before they hit the woods.
  • Thelma falls for the sleazy charm of a total creep at the bar and ends up dancing and drinking with him all night. He convinces her to go to a dark parking lot with him so he can try to have sex with her.
  • When Thelma refuses to sleep with the guy, her dance partner gets violent and tries to rape her. Thankfully, Thelma is saved by Louise and a loaded gun.
  • Safely behind Louise, Thelma watches as the would-be rapist expresses remorse for not having raped Thelma, and Louise shoots him right in the chest.
  • Thelma plays getaway driver as she and Louise flee the scene of the crime. Thelma's beside herself.
  • Thelma proves almost entirely useless as Louise tries to figure out what to do at a motel, and on Louise's prompting, she goes and lies beside the pool.
  • Finally, Thelma decides to accompany Louise as she flees to Mexico. She also convinces her to pick up a cute hitchhiker at a gas station along the way.
  • At the next motel stop, Thelma and the hitchhiker, J. D., have an intimate rendezvous during which he explains to her he's a part-time gentleman robber. He performs a fake hold-up with her hairdryer, to Thelma's delight.
  • Thelma meets up with Louise in the motel café in the morning all giddy—until she and Louise discover that J. D.'s taken off with Louise's life savings.
  • Thelma saves Louise's crushed spirits on the road by holding up a convenience store at a gas station—reciting verbatim what she learned from J. D. the night before.
  • When Louise is pulled over for speeding, Thelma saves her by holding up the cop, directing Louise to take his gun and shoot his radio, and then gently getting him in the trunk of his own car.
  • When Thelma and Louise encounter a lewd trucker for the umpteenth time on the highway, they decide to deal with him once and for all by luring him off the road, demanding an apology, and then blowing up his truck when he doesn't say he's sorry for being so disgusting.
  • After a high-speed chase involving both the police and the FBI, Thelma convinces Louise to just drive off a cliff rather than turn them both in.
  • Thelma and Louise go over the cliff holding hands.