There's been a Death, in the Opposite House Themes
The Home
Nobody knows what goes on behind closed doors, or do they? Sure, Dickinson wasn't the shut-in people think she was, but she was certainly closely identified with the Homestead—the house where she...
Pardon us a rousing course of "Duh." Death's in the title of "There's been a Death, in the Opposite House" (or the first line as it were), which means it's a VIT (Very Important Theme). Here's our...
Society and Class
A poet is a natural outsider. That's all the more true if you happen to be Emily Dickinson, the daughter of a well-to-do and prominent member of Amherst society, and one who tended to hide upstairs...
Sometimes a pipe is just a pipe.Or is it? Poetry is notorious for saying one thing and meaning another, or for seeming to be direct, but hiding a metaphor under the bed. And how about a poem writte...