This Boy's Life Dreams Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"To seek status seemed the most natural thing in the world for me." (22.71)

Towards the end, we see Jack really trying to turn his dreams into concrete action. "Here's a way to make this work! All I have to do is X…" It doesn't work, but it's become second hand for him; maybe a sign of how his dreams are shaping the reality of his identity.

Quote #8

"And on the boy who lived in their letters, the splendid phantom who carried all my hopes, it seemed to me I saw, at last, my own face." (22.105)

Here it is again: Jack's dreams—the mad desire to be somebody awesome instead of a borderline criminal—eventually show him who he really is. Could that be the important thing about his dreams? Not that they come true but that they help him see the truth?

Quote #9

"I could not imagine Father Karl wanting money, a certain array of merchandise, wanting, at any price, the world's esteem." (26.86)

Wow, Jack's actually ashamed of his dreams, and worse. He fears what other people will think of them. Yeah, that'll land you in a therapy couch real quick.