This Boy's Life The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I was happy that night, listening to them search for me, listening to them call my name. I knew they wouldn't find me. After they went I lay there smiling in my perfect place." (20.48)

What does it say that Jack feels most at home lying alone in a gully? Besides the fact that a "real" home isn't comforting for him, he seems to feel that being alone—but still wanted by others—is the closest thing to home for him.

Quote #8

"With me out of the way, there was nothing left to hold her, nothing but threats." (25.13)

This sounds a lot like the emptiness that a home is supposed to fill. Under the surface impressions and facades, there's nothing inside Dwight's home that matters.

Quote #9

"My Scout uniform hanging in the closet was the only sign that I had ever lived there." (28.7)

Jack expresses his lack of a home in a pretty subtle way here. He passed through Dwight's home like a ghost and left nothing behind… not even pictures like Mrs. Taylor's dead husband.