Toby "Jack" Wolff Timeline and Summary


Toby "Jack" Wolff Timeline and Summary

  • Jack heads to Utah with his mother in search of fabled uranium. They don't find any, just an abusive ex-boyfriend who keeps hanging around.
  • Jack changes his name to be more like Jack London, who he thinks is cool.
  • He goes to Catholic school, and takes part in the archery club. While there, he engages in unauthorized William Tell impersonations, which get him in trouble when the nuns catch him.
  • He moves to Seattle with mom, and causes all kinds of trouble with Terry Silver and Terry Taylor. During this period, he long-distance stalks perky Mouseketeer Annette Funicello. He and Silver also chuck eggs at cars.
  • His mom gets hitched to Dwight and they move up to Chinook. Big mistake.
  • Dwight makes Jack's life a living hell in various and sundry ways. Jack responds by becoming a world class Boy Scout and recurring criminal. (Contradictions? You're soaking in them!)
  • He becomes friends with noted "sissy" Arthur Gayle, which involves actually getting into fights with him.
  • He applies to numerous private schools using the power of creative lies and ultimately gets accepted to one.
  • He cuts his hand in shop class, which ultimately frees him from Dwight after Dwight pushes him down on top of it.
  • He spends the summer with his dad. Dad goes nuts. He drives home and prepares for prep school.
  • He gets into prep school, but gets expelled senior year for various counts of hooliganism.
  • He joins the army and heads to Vietnam for the exciting sequel.