This Boy's Life Men and Masculinity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"And when, as sometimes happened, a girl of my own age showed some interest in me. I treated her swinishly." (20.26)

Masculinity has its down side… or in this case, Jack's idea of masculinity, which involves turning nervousness about a girl back on the girl in question. (That's not actually masculine, by the way; it's just really jerky.)

Quote #8

"Dwight was in his glory. He cleared the utility room for action and put me back in training." (23.13)

Funny how Dwight equates hurting other people as the only real way to be a man. That may explain why he's such a shabby example of the gender.

Quote #9

"I felt a surge of pride and connection; connection not to him but to Dwight." (23.26)

This is kind of an epiphany for Jack… though a very scary one. Dwight's particular brand of masculinity is rubbing off on him, which is definitely NOT something he wants.