This Boy's Life Rules and Order Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"She complained to the principal, but nothing came of it." (20.5)

This incident involves a test question, "what is your favorite Amendment." She answered it, but it wasn't the answer the teacher liked. And, as Jack notes, the rules clearly change according to who's making them. Another example of the stability he's looking for getting ripped away.

Quote #8

"I had already fulfilled the numerous requirements for it, including attendance at a jury trial to observe the rule of law, but Dwight refused to send in my papers." (21.37)

The bitterness is strong in this one: notice the way Jack mentions observing the rule of law, then being denied that same rule because his stepdad's a jerk. Not hard to see why Jack doesn't respect the rules… even though he dearly wants to.

Quote #9

"The school was patient, but not inexhaustibly patient." (31.11)

Jack seems to almost sympathize with the school that kicked him out here: another sign that he may actually dig rules and structure more than he lets on.