Masha Timeline and Summary


Masha Timeline and Summary

  • Masha attends Irina's birthday party. She's not happy about this and is all set to leave, at least until Vershinin walks in the door.
  • Vershinin and Masha start having an affair. They both like the philosophy side of things.
  • Masha gets bad-tempered and mean when Vershinin has to leave to attend to his crazy, suicidal wife. What can you do?
  • There's a fire, and in the middle of the chaos Masha confesses her secret love to her sisters.
  • The army has to leave. That's a built-in break-up right there (they didn't have texting in Russia until at least a few years later).
  • As the army's about to march, Masha says fare-thee-well to Vershinin. She's heartbroken.
  • Kulygin accepts her without judgment. Or at least, "without reproach," which just as easily could mean that he's up on his high horse for showing-off purposes.
  • She joins the sister huddle and is by no means the cheeriest of the bunch.